Written By John Amos and Leonard Kenyon, A World Without Color follows a young boy on a journey where he discovers empathy and kindness. The characters are inspired by the iconic career of John Amos and the roles that have impacted his life. This book also includes classroom activities created by Lisa Figaro with discussion questions, an array of vocabulary related to emotions, colors, greetings, and salutations.
Amos is a legendary television and film actor whose starring roles are part of some of the top feature films and television shows in the history of the entertainment industry. His natural acting talent ranges from both drama and comedy in award-winning television shows such as “Good Times,” “The West Wing,” and the acclaimed mini-series “Roots.” His film credits also include “Coming to America” and “Die Hard II” to name a few. In addition to his successful acting career, Amos is now launching his new role as an officially published author with the publication of A World Without Color, a book about the importance of all colors, kindness, and empathy.
Kenyon is a North Bennington native. His written and illustration work has included an array of children’s books that can be found on Amazon or his website: LeonardKenyon.com
A World Without Color is available on Amazon.