Latest Past Events
Household Hazardous Waste Event
Dorset School 130 School Drive, DorsetHousehold Hazardous Waste Event: The Alliance will hold a household hazardous waste event on September 12, 2020, at the Dorset School from 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Contact Michael Batcher at, or (802) 442-0713 x2 if you have questions. For more information, visit
Bennington, Vermont BenningtonCelebrating farmers, agriculture, and the spirit of Garlic Fest throughout downtown Bennington in the absence of our usual annual festival! Throughout Downtown Bennington, Vermont Small “cloves” of farmer market vendors (and Garlic Growers!) will be sprinkled throughout downtown to encourage safe shopping and fun!
China Shock: Upsetting the World’s Trading System
Date: Tuesday, September 1, 2020 Time: 5:30 pm-7:00 pm Location: via Zoom Fee: $15 in advance It was only in 1888 that the United States overtook China as having the world’s largest economy. Since then the two nations have followed dramatically different courses. One going through dramatic growth and ultimately dominating world trade and world politics. The other stagnating,